Monday, August 3, 2009

Happy Birthday to YOU!

Making a birthday card for men is so hard! They don't want any girly stamp, no cute-sie saying, no adorable paper, nothing! They want MANLY! I still look at this card and think, it's so simple! Still looks like something is missing...but hunny said it's good and he likes the blue shadded area where "Happy Birthday to You" is. Hey...guess what! I was smart this time, I made 2 of these cards! The first on I had to give away to hunny's friend for his birthday. The second one is for Island Scrapbooking. I'll drop it off maybe tomorrow (Tuesday).

Here's a supply picture (heehee kinda got lazy)

I also have another surprise for you! I don't know if you ever noticed (I know Donna noticed), BEFORE you weren't able to post a comment, well (Donna, this will make you happy), it's fixed. You can now post comments! YEY! Had to change my entire layout to figure out what was going on! Phew, I'm glad I fixed it. Hope you like the new layout, I'm still trying to tweek it a little.
Well, I'm going to finish up my morning brew and watch Regis and Kelly. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Kelli, Good Job! Now I can give you kudos whenever I want, rather than having to wait to see you at the store!